
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Annoying bug: XML/RPC should return integer faultcodes


OpenERP doesn't respect the XML-RPC standards, returning a string as faultcodes, this breaks a lot of Java applications integrations according to the bug.

at :
"The <methodResponse> could also contain a <fault> which contains a <value> which is a <struct> containing two elements, one named <faultCode>, an <int> and one named <faultString>, a <string>."
Tiny Erp return a string and not an int. It's not very clear on the xmlrpc website but for exemple the apache java xmlrpc client understand only integers

9 hours ago:

Changed in openobject-server:
importance:High → Wishlist
milestone:6.0 → none

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The OpenERP effect: Richard's Success, are you kidding?

Just take a look,

First, when you integrate a new application in a company, employees are happy if it is like before but faster but changing nothing in OpenERP because the slides don't talk about developments then employees are totally unhappy if you are using standards OpenERP views. They don't want to change they way they work.

If you integrate OpenERP like in the slide 26, you need to have a bridge with the other applications (then there is a cost)

BI module? Where do you have a nice BI module in OpenERP? This is just an unfinished buggy module

Can you do in OpenERP what you do with Outlook? Where? Why does OpenERP creates an Outlook plugin then?

Replacing Isabel? How?

These slides are just commercial but not showing real life, just post your comments about them...

From Twitter: about OpenERP license issues with Fedora

 refused in  because of license issue  and one more copyright/license issue

and one more license issue for  with!/cedrickrier